In September 2021 my son was having knee pain. We told him to rest it as we had done before but this time was different, this time it didn't get better. We went for an x-ray and in 10 days from that scan we were told Aidan had Ewing's Sarcoma, a rare and aggressive bone cancer.
At the start of this journey I started cataloging memories in my head, filing them away whether they were mundane moments or special events. Archiving as I went along I realized that I was preparing myself to lose my son. This revelation was too painful and I stopped.
Aidan doesn't like attention so I never really documented him through this process. Mostly wide shots of where we were or the buildings that surrounded us. Disregarding his feelings and trying to document him felt also like a preparation of sorts.
For Mother's Day I asked him if I could take pics. Not because I may lose him, that is not the prognosis and I know deep in my heart this is not the end of his journey, but because this is a chapter in his life and I want to be able to look back and marvel at how well he did. He is incredibly strong and never once complained or felt bad for himself. The only thing he asked for, was Wonka. They cuddle up and rest together most of the day and we are so grateful to have him.
So here is my Mother's Day gift. I am so proud of this kid.
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